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Parent and Student Handbook

Don't forget!

School starts at 7:55 am and

ends at 2:15 pm except for 

Wednesdays at 1:00 pm

Office Hours:

7:30 am - 4:30 pm daily

phone: 808-266-7878


The Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) 302A-1131 requires all children who are five years old on or before July 31 of the school year to attend school for and during the school year unless excluded from school or excepted from attendance.



After 8:00 a.m. a student is late.  The student must report to the office for a "Tardy Slip" before reporting to his/her class.  If a child is chronically tardy, a parent/guardian conference will be scheduled.



  1. When a Student is absent from School: Parents/Guardians Call the Office to Report an Absence. If your child is absent or will be absent, please notify the school by calling the office BEFORE 8:00 a.m. at (808) 266-7878 to report your child’s absence and include the reason for the absence.

  2. Upon the student's return to school:  Parents/Guardians send a note to the teacher to verify the student's absences and reason. 

  3. If the student is marked absent, the school’s automated telephone system will call your home.


5+ Absences/Tardies:   Parents will be notified in writing 

10+ Absences/Tardies: Counselor will notify Parents with a phone call and/or a letter, and possibly request a school conference regarding attendance 

15+ Absences/Tardies: Parents to meet with Administration regarding their child’s attendance 

20+ Absences/Tardies: Possible Family Court referral for educational neglect


ABSENCES: All absences are cumulative from the first day of the school year even if they are considered excused absences. 

Family vacations when school is in session are discouraged.



  1. A student who has been absent for 1-2 days is expected to complete the assignments upon his/her return to school.

  2. Homework assignments for students who are absent for 3 or more days should be requested by calling the school office at 266-7878 before 9:00 a.m.

  3. Assignments may be picked up at the school office between 2:00-4:00 p.m.




Present means that the student is physically in school for at least half of the school day or is on an authorized school activity. 


Absent means that the student is NOT physically present in school for more than half of the school day, except if student is on an authorized school activity. 


Tardy means that a student arrives to school after school has started or a student arrives to class after class has started or both. A student arriving to school after 7:55 a.m. is late and must report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. 


Early Departure means the student leaves school before half of the school day is over (i.e.11:00am). The student will then be marked absent for the day. 


Suspension means exclusion from school for a specific period of a school year. 


Excused Absences are when a student is absent from school because of an illness or other reason that the school deems valid including: *Illness, injury or quarantine (chicken pox, measles, verifiable by a doctor’s note) *Doctor/dental appointment verified by a doctor’s note *Death in the immediate family 

Unexcused Absences include the following activities which may occur during the school day: *Family vacations or trips *Sports competition events *Entertaining visitors or guest *Babysitting siblings or other children



Students should not be on campus before 7:15 a.m. There is no general supervision before 7:15 a.m.  Students who arrive between 7:15 a.m. and 7:55 a.m. need to report to the cafeteria and stay in the cafeteria until they are dismissed.  At the end of the school day, there is no general supervision on campus after 2:30 p.m. (1:15 p.m. on Wednesday). Students should proceed directly home after dismissal. Students are permitted on the playground after school, only if a parent supervises them. The playground is off-limits before school. 



Parents should immediately notify the school of any change of address and/or phone numbers (home, work, emergency).  This information is vital should an emergency occur and the school must contact responsible parties.  We are requesting that you call the school office with changes.



If you find it necessary to bring articles of clothing, lunches, etc., to school during the day, please take them to the main office BEFORE 9:45 am.  They will be delivered to your child during first recess only.  Following this procedure will prevent classroom interruption.



Student Passes

from school are for

urgent business only which cannot be done outside

school hours.


Parents and Guests

must first report to the office and sign in for security reasons. You will be issued a visitor's nametag, which you should wear at all times while on campus and returned to the office when you leave.


the most successful students are those whose parents play an active role in their child's education.

We welcome you to volunteer. Click here for more info.

School Pictures

School pictures are taken during the first quarter of each year.  Information will be sent home regarding the date and cost of the packages.

Library Materials

Please handle with care and return on or before the due date.  There is a fee for lost or damaged materials.



7:15 - 7:45 am 



Grd K-2: 11:15 - 11:45 am 

Grd 3-6: 11:55 am-12:25 pm

Free or Reduced Meal Program

for more information and an application clicking here.


the monthly menu is sent home with students on the last week of each month and can be viewed by clicking here.


in case of emergencies

please keep our

Health Aide informed of your current address,

telephone number, individuals to be contacted and their telephone numbers.


Our teachers arrange field trips as an extension of the regular curriculum and students are expected and encouraged to attend.  For each field trip the students will be required to:

1.    Have a signed parent permission form.

2.   Have a sack lunch (if field trip extends beyond lunch period)

3.   Wear closed-toe shoes and KES Green T-shirt.

4.   Meet all deadlines and requirements.



The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students, staff and families know how to use the library services and resources.  This mission is accomplished by:

  • Providing intellectual and physical access to materials in various formats (books, magazines, online, electronic).

  • Teaching individuals to use the library resources and encourage reading for fun.

  • Working with other teachers to design standards-based lessons that help to improve student achievement.  

Staff and students may borrow library materials throughout the school day and agree to handle them with care and return them on or before the due date.  There is a fee for lost or damaged materials.


If you have any questions or concerns click here and email Mr. Tanaka or check out his Library page



Students may claim lost items stored in the school office.  It is recommended that all articles be labeled with your child's name.  After a period of time, unclaimed articles will be donated to a worthy cause.



Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day without an off campus pass.  Students will not be able to leave campus unsupervised. To be issued a pass, students must have a note signed by the parent/guardian explaining the purpose of the request.  


Parents are asked to request for Off Campus Student Passes from school only for urgent business which cannot be done outside school hours.


Requests for Off Campus Student Passes should be sent to the office in the morning.  Upon arrival at school parents/guardians will be asked to present a picture I.D. and sign the student pass log.  Students will be released only to parents/guardians or adults listed on the student emergency card. Students will be dismissed to the office when the parent/guardian checks in at the office.  Please be sure to provide lunch for your child if he/she will be returning to school after their lunch period.



The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion, or disability in its programs and activities.  Questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment contact: Colette Honda, Equity Specialist, HIDOE Civil Rights Compliance Office, Phone Number: (808) 597-6566, Email Address:



We discourage children from using the phone except for emergencies.  Students are expected to plan after school activities with their parents before they come to school.  Parents should also plan for rainy days after school pick-up ahead of time. Providing for these two emergencies will help keep our phone lines open.



Parents must notify the office one week before transferring to sign a release.  All student obligations must be fulfilled before the transfer is completed. This includes:  return of library books, textbooks and other educational materials, payment of lunch loans, and payment for lost or damaged materials.



Kailua Elementary School recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and the family. Our school and your family must work as partners for the success of our students. 

  • Parents play an important part in assisting student learning and successful achievement of the State Standards.

  • Parents are welcome in school and their support and assistance are sought.

  • Family Night activities will address the Common Core Standards, include strategies to build child-parent relationships, allow our families to build relationships with the school community and provide tools and strategies to support the learning at home.

  • Parents will be provided a newsletter. The newsletter will feature parent meetings/activities, student recognitions, community happenings and health room updates. 

  • Teachers will provide report cards to parents four times a year as well as schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences.

  • The school will provide statewide assessments with interpretation of student scores.

  • Our School Community Council will review, discuss and give input on the Academic and Financial Plan.

  • A School-Parent Compact has been developed which outlines how parents, staff and students will share the responsibilities for promoting high student achievement.


-Kailua Elementary and Parents as Learning Partners-



Kailua Elementary School welcomes parents to visit the school.  All Parents and guests must first report to the office and sign in for security reasons.  You will be issued a visitor's nametag to wear at all times while on campus and return to the office when you leave.  Classroom visits need to be pre arranged with the teacher.  


Kailua Elementary School holds a Parent-Teacher Conference at the beginning of the 2nd quarter.  Parents will be notified well ahead of time and choices of appointment hours and days made available to them.


Parents are always welcome to meet with teachers to discuss their child's academic progress.  Conferences are an integral part of the reporting system and by far the best means of communication between teacher and parent.  Conferences should always be arranged by appointment to allow you and the teacher time to discuss your child. You may send a note to your child's teacher or call to arrange a mutually satisfactory time for a conference.


Your child's academic progress from August to the close of school in May will be given to you at a scheduled conference or in the standards-based report card form at the end of each quarter.  Each quarter is approximately nine weeks in length. When a child leaves between reporting periods, a report card will be prepared if he/she has been present for at least 20 days





Kailua Elementary School Parent Teacher Student Association is a member of the national and local Congress of Parents Students and Teachers Associations.  We encourage all parents to join and take an active part in the program. The PTSA sponsors various activities during the school year. Regular meetings are held monthly.  




Parents can become involved in school activities through the Parent Community Networking Center.  Throughout the school year, we can use the services of parents in a variety of ways. Parents may serve as room representatives, chaperones, library aides, teacher aides, health room helpers and clerical helpers.  Voluntary help from parents is always greatly appreciated. Interested parents should contact the school's Parent Facilitator.


The Kailua Elementary School Cafeteria provides nutritious, well-balanced breakfasts and lunches daily and abides by the Hawaii DOE Wellness Policy


The eTrition system will allow you to prepay your child’s breakfast and lunch meals. You can also check your balances and meals purchased using this system. If done in person money should be deposited into your child’s account using cash only. The monthly menu is sent home with students on the last week of each month. for this process.  



Breakfast   $1.10    Reduced    $.30      Adult $2.40        

Lunch        $2.50    Reduced    $.40      Adult $5.50

Milk           $.60

Please visit our Cafeteria and Menus page for more information regarding free and reduced meal program.  




The Kailua Elementary Health Aide, Mrs. Mena is available from 8:00a-3:00 p.m. to assist your child in case of illness or injury in school.  If your child is injured or becomes ill at school, she will provide emergency first aid and will notify you by phone.   When called, please make every effort to pick up your child promptly in the health room located in the front office.


Click here for more information about our Health Services and Hawai'i Keiki Nurse. 

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