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Procedures and Behavior Expectations





  • Every student is expected to eat either a school lunch or a nutritious home lunch.

  • Outside food or drink is allowed only if it is part of your nutritious home lunch.

  • There is to be no sharing of food.

  • Use proper manners at the table.  Remain seated until you have been excused.

  • Adult Supervisors will give students permission to use the restroom or wash their hands and direct the students to scrape their trays, return to the classroom or be excused for recess.



  • An adult shall retrieve balls that go beyond the borders of the school playground.

  • Students shall play only in designated and supervised areas.

  • No climbing of trees is permitted.

  • Run on the grass only.

  • Footwear must be worn at all times.

  • Eat snacks in the designated area only and throw away your trash appropriately.

  • End of Recess Procedures: When the bell rings, get off the playground equipment and FREEZE until the supervisor blows the whistle.  Walk back to their classes.



Choice of garments should be made according to the health, safety, and welfare of all students.

  • Clothing and accessories containing inappropriate pictures or words are not to be worn as school attire. 

  • No undergarments should be visible or worn as outer garments. This includes boxer shorts, sleeveless undershirts, and bra straps. 

  • Clothing which exposes the back or midriff is not to be worn in school.  See through (sheer) clothing (that reveals body parts) are not allowed. 

  • The length of shorts and skirts must extend below the fingertips when standing up straight. 

  • Covered footwear is required for all field trips. 

  • Caps and hats cannot be worn indoors.



All students have a right to an education.  When, in the judgment of school personnel, the behavior of a student disrupts activities and the learning of other members in school, the student will be held accountable and be expected to accept the consequences.


Initial incidents of classroom disruption (except for severe Class A or B offenses) will be handled by the teacher.  Each teacher has a clear set of classroom rules that are discussed at length with the students at the beginning of the school year.  These rules are posted in the classroom as a reminder to students and copies are given to parents. Possible teacher intervention strategies include phone calls home to parents," time out", tutoring, behavior contracts, parent-teacher conferences or sending the disruptive student to the office.  Any student who does not respond to the intervention strategies of the classroom teacher and/or interferes with the safety or education of others shall be removed from the classroom.


Per the Hawaii Department of Education Chapter 19, the following prohibited conduct applies to all students in the public school system during school hours, on school premises, or during department-supervised activities, on or off school property:


Class A Offenses*:  

Alcohol; Assault; Dangerous Instruments; Dangerous Weapons; Drug paraphernalia; Extortion; Fighting; Firearms; Illicit drugs; Property damage; Robbery; Sexual offenses; or Terroristic Threatening.


Class B Offenses*:  

Bullying; Cyber Bullying; Disorderly Conduct; False Alarm; Forgery; Gambling; Harassment; Hazing; Inappropriate use of Internet; Theft; or Trespassing.


*All A and B Offenses will be handled by the school administration.  Following a thorough investigation, Police, Family Court, Child Protective Services or other State agencies may be called to assist the school.


Class C Offenses:  

Abusive Language; Class Cutting; Insubordination; Laser Pen/Pointer; Leaving campus without Consent; Smoking, use of tobacco substances; Truancy.


Class D Offenses:  

Contraband; Disrespect; Disruption; Dress Code Violation; Inappropriate Language; Lying and Cheating; Physical Contact; Property Misuse; or any other conduct as may be prescribed and prohibited by school rules.  


School administration will handle all office referrals and severe behavioral incidences that include Class A and B offenses listed in Chapter 19.  Parents will be notified. Any of the following consequences may be applied: correction and conference with student, crisis removal, warning and reprimand, suspension from one to ten days (re-entry conference is required), parent conference, loss of privileges, parent shadow, behavior contract, recess/lunch detention, time in office, police and/or court involvement, after-school detention, disciplinary transfer, dismissal or expulsion, and/or in-school suspension.



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